Monday, September 12, 2011


I never liked rabbits that much. I always kind of thought they were ugly or scary for some reason. 

It was easter time of 2009 and I got a text from my boyfriend at the time. He said he was at the meat market on his side of town and there were rabbits on sale for $6. Which is cheap for a rabbit, because sometimes they can get up to $50. Hince on the meat market, rabbits are there for people to purchase to fatten up and eat for easter dinner. I had no intentions on doing that at all. I just wanted one because I hadn't had a pet of my own in years. Then I thought of what my mother would say if I asked her if I could bring home a rabbit. No. I could already hear her voice saying, "Don't you dare bring a rabbit in this house." I pushed aside those thoughts and texted my boyfriend back yes. He asked if I wanted the white or black one. I said the black one, because the white ones have those freaky pinkish eyes. I'm not going to lie, those eyes are ugly! So he had the guy hold the bunny for him and he picked it up the day before easter. 
On easter morning he walked over to my house with the bunny in a cage. Which was already surprising, because it was raining out and he lived three miles across town from me. He put a shirt in the cage though, so the rabbit could lay under it for some warmth. I had mentioned to my mother the day before this, that Johie (my boyfriend at the time) had bought me a rabbit. She didn't seem to have any reaction, so I took that as in it was okay for me to have this new pet. When really it meant she wasn't paying attention or thought I was talking about a stuffed animal. So I went outside when Johie got to my house and I was sitting on the porch holding the rabbit. He was explaining some things on how to care for the rabbit. It was only six weeks old! I'm surprised it survived. Rabbits still try to breast feed from their mothers at that age. It's a flemish giant rabbit tho, which are the biggest rabbits you can find. They get up to twenty pounds! 
Anyways, my mother came out of the house and said, "Um, what is that?" I said, "It's my new pet, what should I name him?" She didn't want the rabbbit to stay in the house at all. I knew though, that it's cuteness would break her down and she would let him stay. She did, of course. She adores the rabbit now. I settled on the name Buster.  Now, I love rabbits! I can't imagine what I would do without Buster. 

1 comment:

  1. I grew up with rabbits as pets, I had smokey and pumpkin. Loved them but it was never fun cleaning up after them.
