Monday, September 12, 2011


All though I was satisfied with my rabbit Buster. I wanted another one.

My mother and I went to the Bay County fair one day and they were selling rabbits for ten dollars a piece. Which was definitely cheap for the breed they were, Netherland Dwarf, and one other breed to. I had to have one. They were so cute and little! Even though they were seven weeks old. Surprisingly, my mother said I could get one. Since I did have a few spare cages at home, and they were so little. Neither of us had enough money on us though. Since we had already gone through the fair and spent ours. The fair was going to be there almost a week longer though. So we decided we would come back the next day. They said they had like 6 left to sell. So we told the lady we would be back the next day for one. I already knew which one I wanted.
Well, change of plans. I decided I was going to ride bikes down to the fair with Johie. I was going to pay for the rabbit and then just have my mom pick it up later on that night. So I could walk around the fair and I wouldn't have to worry about riding my bike back home with a bunny on hand. Johie and I didn't know one of the bridges was closed that we were going to go over to get to the fair. So we had to take a different way.
I knew we weren't going to get there till night fall. So I called my mother and told her what was going on and asked if she could just go pick up the rabbit now and pay for it. I told her which one to get. She did.
We finally made it to the fair, which was a blast like always. But all I could think about was getting home to my new baby bunny! He was so little I felt like I had to be so delicate when holding him. I decided on the name Spotz, because of his spots, obviously. My mom came home with one I hadn't picked out though. I told her to get a different one. But she didn't listen. I wouldn't trade him for anything now. He is the silliest, most fun rabbit to be around.

1 comment:

  1. I had rabbits as pets as a kid. I had a Netherland Dwarf named Dolly, and a mini lop eared named Benji. Dolly was cute and cuddly and Benji would come when you whistled and follow you like a dog.
    They were awesome should post some pictures!
